A Boomerang's Return Path

A young lady in a dark leather hooded jacket underneath a thick grey wolf fur cape ran with long strides through the redwood forest. Far behind her she could hear the genetically-modified bloodhounds barking like crazed devils. Images of their elongated muzzles and talon-sharp fangs that could split a rock into two scared the hell out of her. "Kaboom!" she heard a loud explosion coming from the direction where she was running to. She halted and hid herself behind the mossy red sequoia tree, putting a palm to her chest and gasping for air. "I got to find out what was that before I run into more trouble," she thought.

A strong gust of wind blew the hood off of her head revealing a pretty oval face topped with long straight blond hair. Her brows rising gently up the brow bone then curving smoothly down. Long lashes shelters her caramel eyes from the small glint of sunshine coming through the leaves above. Her thin nose rising upwards in a smooth straight line complementing her proportioned lips with moderately defined cupid's bow.

She reached for her back and brought out three three-edged smart killer drone boomerangs. She threw them three feet above one another to the opposite tree then she climbed up. Her head was now 14 feet off the ground and bushes. She can see the tall gigantic electric gates in the distance. She decided it was far better there than being caught and brought back to the city.

She hopped down.

With her left wrist that had an electronic bangle bracelet, she beckoned the boormerangs to come to her. The sharp blades of the boomerangs retracted then they hovered slowly towards her.

She was about to make a run for it again, but one of the bloodhounds stood in front of her snarling and drooling with green venomous saliva. "Good doggie doggie," she said slowly sidestepping but the hound leapt towards her surprisingly way above her head. Her left hand holding two of the boomerangs was able to quickly shield herself from being bitten and her right with the third boomerang went straight up into the dog's brisket slicing the juices out of its torso. The liquids which smelled like a dead rat poured on her head and shoulders. The vapors of those foul-smelling innards began distorting her sight and wounding her scalp like ten thousand needles jabbing at her. With reddening eyes that shed a bucketful of tears, she covered her mouth to at least muffle her scream. She looked behind her and the monster lay flat on the ground whimpering in defeat.

Blind as a bat in daylight, she managed to feel her way towards a half-an-inch deep river that ran into a small pipe underneath the concrete footing of the huge gate. She lied down on her stomach and did her best to wash off the toxic substances on her scalp, fingers, face and cape. Slowly the pain dissipated, and she lied down facing the cloudless blue noon sky from underneath the shadows of the gate with the cool shallow river running behind her ears.

For the longest time, this was peace to her. In the middle of getting lost in this small piece of tranquility, loud banging noises like a sharp metal hitting another metal woke her up. As she peeled her eyes, dark silhouette of men, women and children jumped down from above the wall.

"Wait! No!" her voice came out hoarse and too soft to be heard. The people kept coming down from the wall. She struggled to get up almost falling back down as one man almost crushed her with his feet.

"Who are you?" someone asked from behind. She slowly turned to see. Squinting her eyes she saw that it was a young lady almost of the same age as her standing next to a good-looking powefully-built young man.

She took out her boomerangs and poised to defend herself.

"I am Tris Prior and this is Four. We are not here to fight. We were asked by the founding fathers to rejoin them. Are you one of the founders?" The lady, called Tris, said. "What's your name?", she added.

"I'm Joan. There's nothing out here for your people but misery. Tell them to go back," she said hiding her boomerangs and reaching out for Tris's hand. She pulled on the hand looking at the couple with begging eyes.

"But we have to find out the reason for our being," Tris pulled her hand back. The people who walked past them looked on with curiosity.

"I said it's dangerous out there!" Joan pulled harder back then without warning someone shot her with a sleep-inducing pellet.

"I think she's going to be trouble," Four said putting the gun back in its holster.


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