Through the Fangs of the Jungle

Angry war drums exploded from the heavens. Sharp deadly electrical spears strike towering trees "Kaboom!". Theresa, seeing a dark hole from under huge wet fern leaves, crawled quickly on her knees and elbows towards it. "Plum! Mela indi." She bid the Amazon boy named Alakba to follow her inside, not minding if there's danger waiting in it. Out in the open is not less dangerous than from inside this small muddy hole carved out by some wild territorial boars. Theresa would prefer to die from an animal attack than from her pursuers.

"Arta blabakum sisiska ," the boy pleaded for them to keep walking towards the next village.

"Sisikum papuri kibi sisamum impipi," Theresa reminded the boy that they can't just run impulsively for the chip she keeps have government secrets. If the NSA catches them, all is lost.

"Frilakam asusmi doriritos," Alakba feared that when daylight comes they'd be dead then.

It was a good point. She nodded. The boy crawled out and led her through the dense jungle. Many of the plants had hairy leaf blades which gave her a burning itchy sensation, but the boy seemed immune to their abuses.

Hours later they came to a swampy area with waters as high as her knees. In the middle of it, she was bitten by a snake. It slowed them down, but it didn't keep them from being within a valley away from the village.

From behind, someone hit Theresa with the stock of a rifle. She blacked out.

When she awoke, a village shaman punched sharp canines on her skin draining the pus out of her wounds. Next to her was a corpse of a gunman. She closed her eyes, smiling.


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